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Partner News: Kendjam Lodge

Kendjam Lodge is a new Flylab partner, providing destination travel to the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.
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January 15, 2025
Kendjam Lodge on the Iriri River.

Partner News: Kendjam Lodge

Kendjam Lodge is a new Flylab partner, providing destination travel to the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

Kendjam Lodge is a remote and high-end fly-fishing lodge located in the heart of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest on the Iriri River, a tributary of the Xingu River. Known for exceptional, clear water fly-fishing opportunities, targeting various species like Peacock Bass, Pacu, Matrinxã, Wolf Fish and Payara, the lodge and guides (the best jungle fly-fishing guides in Brazil) provide an immersive experience in the untouched Amazon. The lodge operates during the low, clear water season, which runs from June to September.

Flylab discount: 10% off destination travel packages, plus a “Best Flies of the Kendjam” kit (for “pro” members). 5% off destination travel packages (for “basic” members).

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